Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard, Senator Megie Marie-Francoise, Senator Bernadette Clement, key researchers from the academia, and community advocates in the African Caribbean and Black community turned out masses in solidarity with the laudable initiative. Dr. Jude Mary Cenat, Associate professor at the School of Psychology and Director of the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience, and Culture (V-TRAC) Lab & Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health (ICBH) University of Ottawa, illustrated the essence of the initiative with emotional stories in the Back community to paint a clear picture of the current challenges faced by a critical mass of Black women in Canada.
A significant highlight of the ceremony was the special announcement of a series of discussions captioned SHESpeaks National Conversations (Sisterhood for Health Equity). Dr. Etowa will lead the conversation in collaboration with critical stakeholders Canada-wide.
The ACB people hope for a sustainable framework for race-based data to address the disparities in the healthcare sector regarding the health of Black women. Visit for a comprehensive report.